Ciężko wyobrazić sobie sytuację, kiedy z ulic miast, parków czy naszych domów znikają kosze na śmieci. We współczesnym świecie coraz częściej mówi się o potrzebie wprowadzenia w życie zasad proekologicznych, zatem utrzymanie porządku i segregacja śmieci staje się podstawowym obowiązkiem każdego człowieka.

W konsumpcyjnym trybie życia w jakim przyszło nam obecnie funkcjonować, śmieci produkowane są codziennie w olbrzymich ilościach. Każdy człowiek produkuje średnio kilka kilogramów podczas jednego dnia. Aby uniknąć sytuacji zanieczyszczenia przyrody, co kilkadziesiąt metrów stawiane są kosze na śmieci, a w każdym domu znajduje się co najmniej jeden z nich.

Category: Porady eksperta

About us

Thursday, 25 October 2012 00:00
We are a leading Polish manufacturer of outdoor playground equipment, outdoor sports equipment and street furniture.
On the market since 1993.
We offer modern solutions, the highest quality and professional service.

Müller Jelcz-Laskowice Sp. z o. o. company was founded in 1993 thanks to the collaboration between Fritz Müller GmbH – a German company with 30 years of experience in outdoor equipment – and Polish shareholders.

From the beginning our company has been registered in Poland, and our office and production facilities are located in Jelcz-Laskowice near Wrocław.

Currently we equip playgrounds, outdoor gyms, skate parks and other recreational areas throughout Europe and beyond. Our products are also distributed to Africa, South America and the Middle East.

muller jelcz laskowice siedziba firmy
muller skatepark spain

We specialize in the production of:

  • Outdoor Playground Sets
  • Outdoor Playground Equipment
  • Outdoor Gyms
  • Skateparks – Elements and Sets
  • Outdoor Sports Equipment
  • Street Workout Training Equipment
  • Parkour Training Equipment
  • Street Furniture

Following the news and trends we constantly modernize our equipment and expand our range.

At each stage of product creation, we focus on:

  • Functionality and ease of use
  • Safety of use
  • High resistance to weather conditions
  • Modern design
muller siłownia plenerowa
muller nowoczesny plac zabaw

Our products are made of durable materials such as galvanized steel, stainless steel, high quality concrete as well as HDPE and HPL boards. They are all certified and compliant with European standards.

We build our devices in such a wayas to enable the easiest installation, maintenance and possible repair.

The success and stable position of our company are based on many years of practice, a modern and automated manufacturing system and a well-coordinated team of experienced specialists in various fields.

Category: Artykuły
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