
Ciasteczka (ang. cookies) - to niewielkie informacje tekstowe, wysyłane przez serwer WWW i zapisywane po stronie użytkownika (na twardym dysku, miejsce zapisu ustalane jest przez przeglądarkę internetową).

Parametry ciasteczek pozwalają na odczytanie informacji w nich zawartych jedynie serwerowi, który je utworzył. Komputer będzie udostępniał informacje zawarte w „cookies” wyłącznie stronie internetowej, z której one pochodzą.

Ciasteczka mają na celu umożliwienie zapamiętania przez serwer poszczególnych informacji o sesji połączenia internetowego. Stosowanie plików cookies i podobnych technologii ma na celu również dostosowanie serwisu do potrzeb użytkowników oraz w celach statystycznych.

Jak wyłączyć ciasteczka?

Jeśli korzystasz z urządzenia przenośnego (telefon, smartfon, tablet), zapoznaj się z opcjami dotyczącymi ochrony prywatności w dokumentacji na stronie internetowej producenta Twojego urządzenia.

Privacy Policy

What kind of data do we collect about you?

Data collected automatically - During your visit to our website, data concerning your visit is automatically collected, e.g. IP address, domain name, browser type, type of operating system, etc.

Data collected when you contact us - When you contact us via the website, e-mail, etc. you provide us with your personal data, name, surname, email address, telephone number.

Data collected during downloading files - When you download files from our website you provide us with your personal data, name, surname, email address, phone number.
How do we use your data?

Data collected during downloading files are used exclusively for statistical analyses and personalisation of the content of our websites.

If you have subscribed to our Newsletter, or otherwise agreed to receive it, we will use your data to send you our Newsletter. You will be asked if you want to receive the Newsletter during the registration process.

Data collected automatically may be used to analyze user behavior on our website, collect demographic data about our users, or to personalize the content of our websites. This data is collected automatically about each user.

Data collected in the course of correspondence between you and our service will be used only to respond to your inquiry.

In the event of control by the General Inspectorate for Personal Data Protection, your data may be made available to the employees of the Inspectorate in accordance with the Act on Personal Data Protection.

In case of violation of the Regulations of our service, violation of the law, or when required by law, we can make your data available to the judicial authorities.
How can you inform us about the change of data?

To remove your e-mail address from our Newsletter, simply click on the link in the e-mail sent by our Newsletter. To change your e-mail address, you should remove your address from our Newsletter and subscribe to it again with your new address. Automatically collected data cannot be changed or deleted.
Use of cookies ("cookies")

Our website may use cookies to identify your browser when you use our website so that we know which page you are visiting. Cookies do not contain any personal data.
How do we protect your personal data?

Communication between your computer and our server when we collect your personal data is encrypted. In addition, our databases are protected against access by third parties.
Changes to our privacy policy.

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy by publishing a new privacy policy on this website.

Data collection company: Muller Jelcz-Laskowice Sp. z o.o., al. Młodych 40, 55-220 Jelcz-Laskowice

If you have additional questions about privacy protection, please contact us using the contact form on the contact page.

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Uzupełnij swoje dane
I have read and agree with the Müller Jelcz-Laskowice Sp. z o.o. Privacy Policy statements for this website: Rules on protection of personal data.
I agree to receive marketing communications from Müller Jelcz-Laskowice Sp. z o. o.

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