

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder galeria-realizacje/plac_zabaw_-_dla_dzieci_i_silownia_zewnetrzna_w_krakowie is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder galeria-realizacje/plac_zabaw_-_radosna_szkoła_-_mielec_2011 is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

Nowość - Parkour

Thursday, 25 October 2012 13:04
Category: Slider

Ciężko wyobrazić sobie sytuację, kiedy z ulic miast, parków czy naszych domów znikają kosze na śmieci. We współczesnym świecie coraz częściej mówi się o potrzebie wprowadzenia w życie zasad proekologicznych, zatem utrzymanie porządku i segregacja śmieci staje się podstawowym obowiązkiem każdego człowieka.

W konsumpcyjnym trybie życia w jakim przyszło nam obecnie funkcjonować, śmieci produkowane są codziennie w olbrzymich ilościach. Każdy człowiek produkuje średnio kilka kilogramów podczas jednego dnia. Aby uniknąć sytuacji zanieczyszczenia przyrody, co kilkadziesiąt metrów stawiane są kosze na śmieci, a w każdym domu znajduje się co najmniej jeden z nich.

Category: Porady eksperta

Playground safety surfacing „SAMBA”

Wednesday, 12 September 2012 00:00
SAMBA is a playground safety surfacing composed of an artificial turf and shock absorbing pads made of recycled polyethylene foam.

Our surfacing doesn’t require a special prepared ground but can be easily installed at a 25-cm thick layer of compacted sand. There is no need to use an expensive foundation of aggregate or concrete. Such a solution reduce overall assembly costs.

Depending on the thickness of an impact absorbing pad, SAMBA Safety Surface can reach critical fall heights of 3 meters, which is certified for compliance with European standard EN 1177:2008

It is worth noting that falling on an artificial grass is less painful than falling on a harsh rubber granules.

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  • It doesn’t require an expensive foundation of aggregate or concrete except the edgings
  • It may be installed directly on a levelled sandy surface
  • It may be installed irrespective of weather conditions
  • It allows an easy and inexpensive repairing of mechanical faults
  • It enables changing playground arrangement if it’s necessary to relocate the facilities
  • It allows reuse of some elements of the surface and reduce total costs
  • It’s covered by manufacturer’s 24-mont warranty
muller jelcz laskowice cross-section of safety surface samba


Samba T – 25 <1300 25
Samba T – 35 <1700 35
Samba T – 45 <2100 45
Samba T – 55 <2300 55
Samba T – 70 <2700 70
Samba T – 90 <3000 90


  • Playground Safety Surfacing „SAMBA” is composed of shock absorbing pads made of recycled, waterproof polyurethane foam and a sand filled artificial turf.
  • The thickness of the safety surface is determined for each device according to established Critical Fall Height (CFH)
  • Instand disassembly and the possibility of reusing some elements of the surfacing
  • It doesn’t require an expensive foundation of aggregate or concrete except the edgings
  • Easy and inexpensive repairing of mechanical faults
  • 24-month manufacturer’s warranty

The opportunity to choose between different thickness of shock absorbing pads and to combine them together allows for the accurate selection of the type of surfacing for particular playground device.

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How to select the right playground safety surfacing?

Each of playground devices has strictly defined its Critical Fall Height parameter, measured in meters and complying with European standard PN-EN 1176. An impact absorbing surface shall be matched with Critical Fall Height value of equipment installed on a playground. If playground is equipped with different height devices, a safety surfacing shall be suited to the highest CFH value.

We offer you five SAMBA Safety Surfacing systems, according to different thickness of shock absorbing pads:

System T-25 mm T-35 mm T-45 mm T-60 mm T-90 mm
Critical Fall Height 1,3 m 1,7 m 2,1 m 2,4 m 3,0 m


With regards to environment and landscape protection, we use constructional solutions that have minimal impact on the surroundings and comply with ecological requirements of reusing waste materials.

  • Shock absorbing pads used in SAMBA Safety Playground Surfacing are made of recycled polyurethane foam
  • To install our safety surface we use the minimum amount of synthetic adhesive
  • Since the top layer of SAMBA system is made of artificial turf, our impact absorbing surface can blends in the surrounding landscape
  • In case of closing down the playground, SAMBA surface can be instantly disassembled without leaving any pollution in the ground and part of the system can be reused.
muller jelcz laskowice nawierzchnia samba


  • STAGE 1 – Preparatory Work
    • Secure the assembly site to keep others at a distance.
    • Safety surface shall be installed in selected location while maintaining required impact area.
    • The thickness of the safety surface is determined for each device according to established Critical Fall Height (CFH).
  • STAGE 2 – Installation of Playground Safety Surfacing „SAMBA”
    • Excavate a trench on the entire assembly site. The trench should measure 25 cm deep below safety surfacing level.
    • Place the two parallel concrete edgings on the sand & concrete foundation all along the inner edges of the trench. The distance between the two edgings should measure 15 mm. It is recommended to put a HDPE insert between the edgings every one meter. It’s important to note that the outer concrete edging should be placed at ground level while the inner concrete edging should be lowered and placed 10 mm below. Both edgings should be aligned with outward facing beveled edges (see diagram).
    • In order to preparing the foundation for the shock absorbing pads, fill the trench with sand or gravel. Take care that the sand does not enter to the gap between concrete edgings. Compact the sand and level the ground. The level of the sand surface should be lower than the outer concrete edgings by a thickness of o the shock absorbing pad.
    • Spread the shock absorbing pad all over the sand surface. If it’s necessary to trim the pad, use a sharp knife. 
    • If you use double layer system (one layer above the other), take care that the upper layer is moved in relation to the lower layer by a half of panel, so as panels connection points in particular layers do no coincide.
    • Cover the entire playground surface by tiles of artificial turf and at the same time cut out holes for bollards, trees, devices and the other objects.
    • In order to obtain unified playground surfacing, stick the tiles of artificial turf together from below using installation tape and two-component, polyurethane adhesive.
    • The layer of artificial turf should be 10 cm above the outer concrete edging all along the edge of playground. Put the resulting 10 cm overlap into the gap between two concrete edgings and then chock it by filling the gap with sand. Fill the entire surfacing with a dry, quartz sand (fraction 0,3 – 0,8 mm) - approximately 25 kg of sand per 1m2 of artificial turf.
    • Rub the sand manually between artificial turf fibers using an adequate brush to obtain an even surface.
Category: Artykuły

Co to znaczy „dobry plac zabaw”?

Thursday, 25 October 2012 10:01

W pierwszym odruchu, większość z nas odpowie – bezpieczny, potem zapewne: wesoły, kolorowy, rozwijający. Ale czy na pewno tylko o to chodzi ? Co chcemy osiągnąć siadając do projektu pt "plac zabaw"? Czy nie za często my: dorośli, wykształceni i poważni staramy się zamknąć ten dziki, dziecięcy pęd do badania świata w liniach prostych projektu architektonicznego który budzi akceptację wszystkich poza samymi dziećmi?

Category: Porady eksperta

Nasi partnerzy handlowi

Thursday, 13 September 2012 00:00

Skandynawia Plac

ul. Tarnowiecka 11/12, 04-174 Warszawa
Andrzej Paszkowski - 602-478-453
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Biuro Handlowe Marek Karłaszewski

ul. Berberysów 3A, 40-750 Katowice
Marek Karłaszewski - 501-627-629
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ul. Długa 13, 33-112 Tarnowiec
Mariusz Białobrzewski - 602-529-070
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ul.Wspólna 28, Glina, 05-430 Celestynów woj.: lubelskie, podlaskie, warmińsko-mazurskie
Jarosław Czarnecki - 604-171-165
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HORTUS Zbigniew Kucharzyszyn

Miłoradzice 32, Lubin/Legnica
tel. 603-123-027
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Biuro Handlowe Agnieszka Klepaczewska

ul. Senatorska 31 Gortatowo, 62-020 Swarzędz / Poznań
Agnieszka Klepaczewska - 600-812-388
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R&R Romualda Chełstowska

ul. Końcowa 26, 70-871 Szczecin
Romualda Chełstowska - 601-581-580
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ABC Edukacji Jakub Strużyk

ul. Witkacego 23/4, 95-100 Zgierz / Łódź
tel. 503-105-080
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BH Małgorzata Kosmecka

ul. Chmurna 12A, 85-411 Bydgoszcz
tel. +48 693-852-987
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Category: Artykuły

Plac zabaw w Kwidzynie

Monday, 12 November 2012 10:50

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder galeria-realizacje/plac_zabaw_-_dla_dzieci_i_silownia_zewnetrzna_w_krakowie is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.


Galeria zdjęć z realizacji placu zabaw dla dzieci w Kwidzynie.

Na budowie tego placu zabaw wykorzystano :

  • Zestaw zabawowy Bambino
  • Karuzelę Krzyżową
  • Huśtawkę wagową
  • Bujaki dla dzieci Samochód i Quad
  • Piaskownicę Zamek
  • Zestaw przeplotni COMBO
  • Huśtawki BiBo
Category: Realizacje


Thursday, 25 October 2012 13:04
muller 1-stron3
Category: Slider

Plac zabaw - Radosna Szkoła - Mielec 2011

Monday, 12 November 2012 10:43

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder galeria-realizacje/plac_zabaw_-_radosna_szkoła_-_mielec_2011 is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.


Galeria zdjęć prezentujących plac zabaw wykonany w ramach programu Radosna Szkoła w Mielcu, z użyciem bezpiecznej nawierzchni SAMBA.


Zastosowane urządzenia :

  1. na plac zabaw :
    - kolejka zjazdowa SKAUT,
    - przeplotnia SUDETY,
    - huśtawki BiBo,
    - regulamin placu zabaw
  2. komunalne :
    - ławki parkowe metalowa z rur giętych z oparciem,
    - kosze na śmieci metalowe,
    - stoliki rekreacyjne betonowe w wersji do gry w szachy z siedziskami.

Bezpieczeństwo zabawy zapewnia dzieciom poliuretanowa nawierzchnia na plac zabaw SAMBA. Został nią wyłożony również teren wokół placu zabaw.

Category: Realizacje

Color Palette

Thursday, 20 September 2012 00:00

Our products are painted with top quality, acrylic structural paints in the following colors:

Yellow RAL 1021


Orange RAL 2003


Red RAL 3020


Heather Violet RAL 4003


Violet RAL 4008


Blue Pantone 300


Yellow Green RAL 6018


Mint Green RAL 6029


Grey RAL 9007


Turquoise Blue RAL 5018


* These colors applies only to metal elements

Category: Artykuły


Wednesday, 23 November 2022 10:58
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Category: Artykuły
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