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Concrete Parkour Block


Concrete Parkour Block

  • Parkour Block System is intended to build walls for Parkour training
  • The System includes blocks (cat. no. 89910) and block covers (cat. no. 89920) made of high quality concrete class C25/30.
  • The cover edgings are protected by aluminium edge trim
  • Blocks mounting system allows to build walls in flexible configurations
  • Blocks are connected to each other with steel connectors and the top covers
  • Wall constructed in such way may be easily dismantled or relocated
  • All steel elements are protected against corrosion
  • In order to ensure safety of users, walls must be mounted at the angle of 90 degrees to each other and shall not be more than 2080 mm high
  • The set includes foundations made of concrete class C25/30

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