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Parkour Rail Kit M3


Parkour Rail Kit M3

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  • Construction made of stainless steel and plastic connectors.
  • Non-slip, waterproof plywood platform
  • The set includes foundations made of concrete class C25/30

Permissible impact attenuating surface

  • Bark – grain size 20 do 80 mm, min. depth 300 mm + 100mm (for displacement)
  • Woodchip – grain size 5 do 30 mm, min. depth 300mm + 100mm (for displacement)
  • Sand – grain size 0,2 do 2 mm, min. depth 300mm + 100mm (for displacement)
  • Gravel – grain size 2 do 8 mm, min. depth 300 mm + 100mm (for displacement)
  • Synthetic surfaces in accordance whit tested HIC (EN 1177)

The impact attenuating surfacing shall be installed over the entire impact area.


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